Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Rant

Ok... I'm only going to write a few sentences, then expound on them later.

I have a lot of anger inside of my heart for a certain reason. You can complain all you want about what I am about to write... I'm not changing how I feel...

I think that Christians who voted for Barack Obama are hypocrites... why? Because we as Christians shouldn't support a man who is now taking our tax dollars to fund "planned parenhood" places in foreign countries so women can kill their unborn children. Don't have sex = not having children. I understand there are situations where things happen... ie rape... and believe me, I know frustration when it comes to that, but you have to think... these are INNOCENT children who did not ask to be created. People say children aren't "children" until they have breathed in one breath of air after they have been delivered... I believe it's when they are conceived... HELLO!! They have a heart beat!! To those people who believe in the breathing of the air, tell me this... how is it then possible for people to have a pulse (HEARTBEAT) but not be breathing!?? Hmmm.... Is it now ok to kill those people without being charged with murder?

I'm so frustrated with people.. I understand we "made history" by having a black president... and I'm happy our society is at a place where we can now have that... but having Obama?? Seriously?? Hey! Our country is in major debt to where we have to borrow money from China... we have problems here in our own country... but lets send our tax dollars to another country... SMART...

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I found out today that when my branch closes next month, I will be transferred to our Downtown branch. That is a TON of weight lifted off of my shoulders!!

Keep your fingers crossed for Brian!! He has an interview in GR next Friday... job offers come March 16th if they like him!! :o)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

God is Good

Guilty. That's what I feel. Why? Because for Christmas, I got about $200 in Best Buy giftcards and I spent them on myself. Every year for holidays, I usually get quite a few of them, but I usually turn right around and spend them on other people. Brian told me this year was to be different... I did spend it on myself like a week ago, and still feel guilty!! Haha... I'm a weirdo!

I interviewed at another National City today. It's so funny that I have to interview for my own job, especially since it isn't my fault that my branch is closing. When we found out it was closing, we were all promised out jobs when we closed. Well... there are a few of us from my branch trying to get this ONE spot... the manager at the new branch said that quite a few branches would be cutting back on staff... That raises a question... "What happens to those of us who won't get the position at this ONE branch??" I don't know. The manager asked about the other girl who is in line for the position. I was honest with her. V is an amazing person to work with and I spoke highly of her. Some of you may be thinking, Why on Earth would she praise her competition?? Well... because #1, she is my friend. #2, I can't say anything bad about her... she is SO flipping funny! #3, this year, I'm not going to bash anyone... well... wait... I'll try not to bash anyone. So far, I've done pretty good!

Brian is supposed to find out his test results from Grand Rapids today. I'm excited, because I feel so peaceful about going that way. It would be hard to be even further away from family and friends, but God is good. He is faithful and doesn't give us anything we can't handle.

My stress level has been through the roof again. I am not quite sure why. I start classes again. One of my profs sent us an email telling us this is going to be the hardest class we take at Liberty (which is funny, because most of my teachers have always said that about their own classes). Anyways, she sent the email stating we needed to log into blackboard to get our first assignments... and blackboard is down for a few more days yet. That sucks! I will have a few late nights trying to get ready for the first assignment... we have to write a HUGE BIG NASTY term paper...

Let it be known: I HATE TERM PAPERS!

I have really been missing relationships lately. I desire to show more of my heart (Godly) to people and still have a shield around it. I want people to see what God has done in me and work through me. My bible is going to be my new best friend this year. I want to learn more and more about Him and use my new learnings in every day life!

One last thing... for those of you who are of the praying kind. My co-worker has been stressed out a little bit lately. Her ex-boyfriend had a stroke a few days ago. I think he is close to 24 years of age. His family lives in Detroit (about 30 mins from here) and they won't come see him or spend time with him. It's all on my friends shoulders to take care of him and make sure he is still doing ok. He did get released today on lots of medication and his family still wont come to see him... because it's "too far away." Please pray for him and for my coworker.

Thanks and have a great day!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Grand Rapids??

Brian tested in Grand Rapids yesterday. If he passes (which we will find out today) he will go back next week for an interview; and then conditional job offers are sent out March 16th (I think). They are hiring 14 people and there are over 400 applicants. If we had to move there, I don't think I would mind because the cost of living (houses) are much cheaper over there. It would just be difficult being away from family when we decide to have children.

I start classes at Liberty University next week. Scary... funny though because my classes aren't showing up online yet... i hope everything gets worked out so I get everything I need!

My hours at work have been cut. I worked 35-40 hours a week for the past 1.5 years, now I am at 20... no warnings... no nothing. Ah well... it's all in Gods hands!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome Baby Herr

Chris & Christina gave birth to Christopher Paul Herr II on December 27th!
Welcome to the group little man!!
And CONGRATULATIONS to the new parents!

About Me

My photo
Ann Arbor, MI
I have been married since August 27, 2005. I have two kitties rescued from Hurricane Katrina. I have 2 heros... my mom and Brian. They are the most amazing people to me and have helped in so many ways. I guess you could say that Aunt Jane is a hero too. She is always there to help support us and is encouraging... you can tell her and mom are sisters!! I am a criminal justice major. I have received an associates degree in occupational studies in May of 2008 and have been awarded my associates degree in Criminal Justice. Now I attend Liberty University based out of Lynchburg, VA., majoring in what else, but Criminal Justice.

A wonderful memory

A wonderful memory

Great Friends

Great Friends

Tasty Flowers

Tasty Flowers

Complete Awesomeness

Complete Awesomeness

My Love

My Love