Thursday, May 22, 2008


Oh... the end of the semester was WONDERFUL... but then... a new one started.. YUCK! I got 2 days off for break then started up again. I am taking a Stats class, Philosophy class, and a Constitutional Law Class. They are ok..well... except for the philosophy class... I hate it already.

I am taking three classes this spring/summer so I can finish my second degree in the fall while Brian is at the academy. It's going to be a crazy fall for us... and hopefully we will get enough money saved for the academy itself. It costs $4000... so if any of you know of miracles, let me know!!

Life is going good though... I have some of the greatest friends... speaking of which... we are having pizza night at our house tomorrow. I am excited... our apt is small so people don't generally like to come over here.

It's official... I am addicted to Call of Duty for the PS3... yep... it's time I admit to it now...

I should go because I need to answer a homework question on Plato the Phaedo... riiiiiiiight...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Mother's Day. A day that is proving to be one of the most difficult for me. This is the first mother's day that has happened since the miscarriages. WoW... Crazy. The emotions I am going through are just insane, so here I sit in a room by myself trying to deal with them all. I just feel so empty... so torn up inside.

Not only am I dealing with my own personal dilemma with the miscarriages, but it has been a hard week with my mom as well. I have called her a few times so we could take her out to dinner today to celebrate, and all she can do is tell me she doesn't want to talk to me about it and hang up the phone on me about it. Ouch...

As you can see, my heart is hurting for many reasons today. I would have my twins here today if they didn't leave me. Or... I would be pregnant today, if that one didn't leave me too. Today is an especially hard day for me. Is that selfish? I want to spend time with people, but I feel as though I cannot give all of myself to the joy in celebrating mothers right now.

For all of you mother's out there... Happy Mother's Day... for those of you who are not... Happy Woman Day...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Oh So Frustrated!!!

Work. Yep... that has me frustrated. I have been at the Packard/Brockman branch for 8 months now and guess what?? I suffered my first offage today. Being's that it was my first one, is a good thing, but it was for $650 and that isn't good. I did the transaction wrong... although I did get manager approval for it to go through, so I don't know what will happen...
Other than that, I am really stinking frustrated with one of my co-workers. I cannot handle how they treat me and others on a daily basis. One minute they are mean and wretched, the next they act like they are your best friend. I have learned one thing through this person... DO NOT TRUST THEM!! Everything they say is a lie, everything they tell me (us) to do has been wrong. I don't know... been thinking about transferring to another branch. If I knew for a fact that Brian was going to get a police job around here, I would apply for a dispatcher position... that would be more money for me, better insurance, and allow me to finish my criminal justice degree while Brian is in the academy. Hmmmm...
In other news... our friend Chris is now gone. :o( We have been praying for him, although we know he doesn't need it, I'm sure he appreciates it. :o) It will be good to see him in August.

I posted a few pics of their going away party on my myspace, although here are a few of my favorites.

The Happy Herr's...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Going Crazy

I'm at work right now... shhh... don't tell anyone.. :o)

Saturdays are always slow until the last 10 minutes. Then it gets crazy here. Brian is at home getting everything ready for our mini-trip up to Lapeer for the Herr party this weekend. I have to make sure he takes my camera! This is going to be the last time we see Chris for a while since he is leaving for the marines on Sunday. It's crazy the decisions in life we make... I am very proud of my dear friend for taking such big step in his life. He says it has been something he has always wanted to do, and I admire him for doing it. It will be quite the experience for him, but I'm very proud of him.

Our friends Tasha and Gab aren't moving away to Tennessee or Virginia!! YEAH!!! It's nice having people here in Ann Arbor that we see on (at least) a weekly basis. I am very happy about them not leaving us. I would have bene very sad... it seems as though the minute I start getting close to someone, they end up moving away or something. I mean, life changes make you go places, but the jist of it is I am happy they aren't leaving.

Ok... I have 40 minutes of work left... I should try to do something productive!


If you couldn't tell... my spirits are getting slightly better. Still having a hard time... but spirits are starting to go up! Thank God for His Grace!

About Me

My photo
Ann Arbor, MI
I have been married since August 27, 2005. I have two kitties rescued from Hurricane Katrina. I have 2 heros... my mom and Brian. They are the most amazing people to me and have helped in so many ways. I guess you could say that Aunt Jane is a hero too. She is always there to help support us and is encouraging... you can tell her and mom are sisters!! I am a criminal justice major. I have received an associates degree in occupational studies in May of 2008 and have been awarded my associates degree in Criminal Justice. Now I attend Liberty University based out of Lynchburg, VA., majoring in what else, but Criminal Justice.

A wonderful memory

A wonderful memory

Great Friends

Great Friends

Tasty Flowers

Tasty Flowers

Complete Awesomeness

Complete Awesomeness

My Love

My Love