Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Post Christmas Update...

Christmas has come and gone and it was a good one.

Christmas Eve we spent in Port Huron with my family. I got to see & spend time with a few of my cousins that I don't usually see. We shared funny stories and watched the kids open presents. My mom had a great idea this year and made everyone baskets of food items she canned. Overall, it was really inexpensive and really delicious! We had to leave a little early though because Brian had to work Christmas morning.

After he got out of work, we went to Metamora, to have family Christmas with the Wilson's. It was fun and Grandpa & Grandma Wilson were down with Aunt Frieda. We sang, we read a story, and just spent time together. Yet again, another successful Christmas.

On the 26th, we went to Caro to spend Christmas with the Wilson/Kreh/Kosloski/Frederick families. Such a fun time. Traci, Brian's cousin, got engaged on Christmas so it was another time of celebration. We also celebrated Brians graduation from the police academy. It was a nice to have a lot of different celebrations going on! We actually just found out that Brian will be featured in the County Press in Lapeer. He goes to test in Grand Rapids next week for a written test, then oral boards the week after. I'm so proud of him.

A customer of mine came in and we were talking camera talk. I told her to ask her son about an editing program called Lightroom from Adobe. She talked to her son and he gave her his activation code to give to me. Therefore, I have a super sweet editing program that I was going to use my BestBuy gift cards to get it, and now I have it for free. It's awesome... of course, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing with it as of yet, but I am oober excited to get to know the program!

Tonight we are heading to Lapeer for New Years Eve. I still don't fully understand why NYE is such a big holiday. I'm not a big drinker and I don't stay up late... to me... it's just another day of the week. I don't think we will be out too late though, so that will be nice.

To all of you celebraters... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Friday, December 19, 2008

What a Good Day for a Graduation!

I get to go to it... that's the jist. It was interesting how it all went down but nonetheless, I get to go. In my attempt to be able to go, I told my acting manager that I would come in this morning to do the ATM, then go to the graduation and come back if need be. Her big issue now was having coverage for lunches. One of my coworkers who has been off since Wednesday (using up the last of her vacation) volunteered to come in to cover lunches.

We are slow at that branch most of the time... but wait... lets add what is going on today...

It's snowing realllllllllllllllly hard. For a branch that doesn't stay that busy, today is going to be mega slow. I called and they are just going to audit the ATM so I don't have to drive in this just to be there for 20 mintues. But in all honesty, it's going to be dead there today. Personal opinion, they don't even need Susan to go in to cover lunches because it's going to be dead. Last year when we had a semi-storm, I cleaned the whole branch from top to bottom, and had about 3 customers for the whole day...

Anyways... good news on another front...
I have 2 interviews coming up. One at Fifth Third Bank and one at Citizens Bank. They both sound good, although there is one place that is "really excited" to talk to me. We'll see what is to come from those...

Today is Brian's graduation. Mom & Dad Wilson are supposed to come down, however due to the massive amounts of snow here, I doubt they will be able to make it. I'm glad it worked out for me to go because if I couldn't then he would have no one there to support him.

So... to sum up the past 24 hours. I have one amazing co-worker and a graduation to go to.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Holy Crap on the DRAMA!

***DISCLAIMER*** I'm venting...

Drama. I have to admit one thing about it. I HATE it. Why? Because it is so freakin high school. Last time I checked, I've been out of high school for 7 years. Brian graduates in 2 days from the academy. What should be a time of celebration is turing into a time of turmoil for me. 5 months ago, I requested this Friday off of work. It was approved by then manager Tammy. Well, she left and David took her place. He too, approved it. He sent me plenty of emails stating, "it's on my calendar." Then, David quit... we now have Diane; who told me Friday of last week that she would not give me the time off.

Here's the kicker.

The reason why I am not allowed this day off is because "N...... C... does not give UNPAID days off." That is a direct quote from Diane. Ok... that makes sense... NOT!

  1. I am a part time employee... which means I am supposed to work 20 hours a week. (If I were sticking to that schedule, don't you think I would have some unpaid time off?)
  2. I work 38-40 hours a week... although the money is better, I am not labeled as a full time employee, which means I get not full time benefits. I pay $110 more a paycheck for insurance than a full time employee. When asked if I can be labeled as Full Time, I was told no because they don't want to give me the benefits... BUT!!! They won't give me the part time hours. Make sense?? NOPE!
  3. The employee handbook specifically says that "any absenses after the 6 allowed days will be unpaid." Wait a minute... wasn't I just told that work doesn't allow unpaid days off.
  4. Our branch is closing in February... at first we were all promised jobs, but that was just a ploy so we wouldn't all quit during the time of the closure... we now know that only two people (besides the 2 who were already promised positions elsewhere) will be going to other branches.

In talking with Diane today, she said, "even if I were to give you the day off, we wouldn't have coverage." Ok.. let me try to paint a picture for you... if you're in banking you will know the lingo, if not I will try to explain...

When I first started at my branch, we would fill our sorts (50 checks total) every hour or so, meaning we were very busy. To date (since our branch is closing) I don't even fill my sorts for a whole day... = we are SLOW.

So here I sit in the biggest dilemma... I have 2 days to finally decide what to do. I am expected to be at work on Friday and if I don't go, then I might be getting fired. Yep. That looks HORRIBLE on a resume, but is it fair that this has been approved for so long until just this past friday? I even found someone to work for me but that is no longer allowed. You're not allowed to have people cover your shifts... RIGHT... that's a bunch of bull.

What do I do?
OPTION 1: Go to the graduation and support my husband in a very big day in his/our life. Who cares anyway?? The branch is closing in February and my job isn't guaranteed. During this time (if I do get fired - and I am already doing it) I can look for another job.
OPTION 2: Care more about my resume and don't have to worry about losing my job or filing for unemployment, which I GUARANTEE my job will fight.

Oh... let me add this in... I was told if I go to the graduation, I will be terminated... If I don't go to the graduation and DO go to work, I will be terminated at the end of business day on Friday. So I can skip the graduation to make my employer happy, but still get fired at the end of the day. Hmmmm....

Wait... One more thing... I love my job... haha... talk about being stuck between a rock & a hard place!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's Almost Over

10 days left of the WCC Police Academy. 10 days... you know... I thought this day would never come. In the beginning, I thought this was going to go by so slowly, but here we are... at the final lap. It's crazy to think that a week from Friday, Brian graduates. I'm so proud of him and all of his accomplishments. He has succeeded at so many things... that I just have to commend him for all of his hard work.

We are on the hunt for jobs now... I guess you could say both of us, however, I cannot really start looking until he gets a police officer job. If we have to move, it's really no big deal for me to just start looking later. However, due to some extrenuating circumstances in the banking industry, I would really like to start looking for another job. Our branch here on Packard/Brockman will be closing in February and I would really like full time work to make sure all of our bills are covered. Our savings account has been depleted and I am really hoping just to make it through this month. We went from $4000 in it to $600... and still have bills to pay... not to mention my hours getting majorly cut. Ah well... I'm faithful that God has something in his big plan for us...

I really want Brian to get a job right after the academy. I know jobs in Michigan are far and few, and moving out of the state is really no option for now. I wouldn't mind it because there are a lot of places outside of Michigan that are hiring, but having to relocate can be a difficult task. Maybe that is what we will do... I don't know. I'm just super stressed about it.

In other news... I start Liberty University this coming January. I'm excited about that... as I am on a new career path with hopefully lots of money.

I also, am really wanting my camera. I would really like to get it but I know that wouldn't be a wise financial decision on our behalf.

So yeah... if you are the praying type... please pray for our finances. I'm wiggin out.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's beginning...

Wow... There are 29 days left of the WCC Police Academy. December 19th is fast approaching and I am looking forward to where God is going to have us go. I have been praying a lot about where Brian will get a job, but I realize that I should just be patient and wait to hear something. I am looking forward to the adventure though.

My co worker is back from maternity leave. She has already tried to start a bunch of crap at work and by golly, I'm not going to play her little games this time. I'm done! Our branch is closing in Febuary and there is still a lot to do here, lives to touch... the usual.

Midterms are now over. I have 3 tests total left for the whole year in my classes so that is kind of an exciting moment. I'll be done with my second degree. :o)

I have so much to say, however I don't have the time right now to do it... I'll try again later...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Becomming Mean.

I think I want to be mean. Just once. I have had quite the week, well, few weeks.

Lets start off by saying I hate being sick. I had a cold for a few days, and then a few days after I felt better, I decided that throwing up would be a fun thing to do. This has been going on since mid-October. Even right now, my stomach is turning like crazy, however nothing is coming out. I have had numerous people ask me if I was pregnant. Who knows! I highly doubt it since I take a little pill to prevent such things from happening at this point. I have no other symptoms, so I would have to say no. Plus, I don't think my emotions can handle such news. After 2 miscarriages and a hubby who wants to wait until we are done with school... I couldn't handle the stress. So as of right now, lets go with a definite no on the baby issue.

Secondly, I was in class on Wednesday night and we were talking about the 6 briefs we had to write the week before. My teacher, Dr. Ruth, decided not to collect them and the whole class got really upset because for those who did the homework, it was kind of time consuming. I stated that I didn't mind doing them, because the cases we typically brief are really good cases. (It's a Criminal Law class.) Anyways, Dr. Ruth said, "You probably get all of your briefs from Brian." I stated that Brian didn't take criminal law, therefore I didn't copy his "briefs." I got a little upset at this. Does she think that is all I do? Copy from my husband? The more I think about it, the more upset I get. I think about all the times I have taken her for classes that Brian has had her for, if she thinks that I copied things from Brian. News Flash... Brian threw away all of his notes from her classes and I am a frickin' independant person who can do things on their own!!! I don't ride Brian's coat tails and am extremely offended at the comment made.

Thirdly, (yep, I'm gonna keep going)... In that CrimLaw class that I guess I don't do my own work in, I have a "buddy." This buddy of mine likes to not do the homework and ask me to make copies of mine, or email him mine. So far, for all the briefs we have been assigned, he has done NONE. I have done them all. Just call me mat and walk all over me. I'm a little tired of it... but I am too nice and never tell him No. I feel bad for people and have this horrilble trait that I just don't like to say no to people. I need to stop that... but I think if I say no, that they won't like me anymore and you know what? I don't flipping care anymore. I have spent too much of my life worrying about what other people say and think about me that I just am done with it all. If you don't like me for saying no to something or for any reason at all, deal with it. I don't care anymore. If I don't like something you do or say in my presence, I will tell you. I'm not going to let people walk all over me anymore.

Nothing else is really going on. I have a really hard midterm coming up in one of my classes but I am thinking that I should do ok. I am hoping that I ace it, but with my luck, probably not.

I guess that is all for now... happy reading.... and


Friday, October 17, 2008

Found Out

Wow... what a whirlwind this has been.

My financial aid crisis might be over. Yesterday, I called the school again to try to get a hold of someone who could help me and was finally transferred to Mary. She took all of my information and said she would call me back regarding my situation. Given the relationship I have with Schoolcraft and how they always promise to call back, I wasn't hopeful.

About an hour later I get a call at work, and it is my teacher. He said that he was out and might not be back for the rest of the semester due to a medical illness. I told him that whenever he gets back to work, he will have many voicemails waiting for him. He said he would take care of it and I would be all set.

I called financial aid today and she still hasn't received an email from him. I called the Mary I spoke to yesterday who was a lot of help and she wasn't very helpful about it today. She said she would call me back if there was "anything she could do but didn't think there was because she couldn't bother the teacher at home." I told her that it wasn't my fault that I have been getting marked absent and that I need my student loan to survive through this semester.

Who knows what will happen... maybe Mary will pull through and help me or maybe I will be stuck and we will be hurting for cash and then I can feel horrible for this whole big mess in the first place.

I know God is amazing... I know that he can make anything happen and if I am supposed to get this loan, it will work out. If not, then I'm sure he will work me through it. I have already learned a lot of lessons through this... mainly being patience. I went to bed Tuesday night all upset... and tired and just not knowing what to do. That caused me to miss a lot of sleep because all I did was think about what if this doesn't go through, what will we do? Then I decided to put all my trust and faith in God and I got to sleep soundly. It's amazing what happens when you don't carry the burden by yourself. It's so freeing.

Now I sit back and I wait... My teacher won't be back for a while so I will be praying for him for better health. If you think about it, please pray for him too. His name is Richard Delonis.

My birthday is just 2 days away... that's crazy! 26 stinking years old... hard to believe that I have been driving for 10 years!!! I am 4 years away from 30... WHAT?!?!!!
To celebrate, my 2 co-workers and I are going to Chili's tomorrow for lunch and margaritas!! Brian is at the academy all day so I will be celebrating with the girls before I celebrate with him!

He is going to Auburn Hills to test on Monday. That should be good. I'm anticipating a phone call one day that says, "Brian Wilson, we would like to offer you a position... " Man... that is going to be a good day. He is doing amazing at the academy though. He is meeting a ton of people that are really cool... (I've gotten to hang out with the boys a few times...)

Well I should go so I can actually get some work done! :o)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stressing out a little...

To get through this semester, Brian and I both took out student loans. His was mostly used to pay for the police academy, where mine was to live off of. WCC pulled my student loan... meaning they initially gave me the money, then took it back. Now I owe WCC $2000.

Sallie Mae, my student loan grantor, told me I should reapply through my other school Schoolcraft... which I did. I was approved and my check was on the way... then... one of my teachers marked me absent for the whole class. He reported that I haven't shown up for one class, which is a huge mistake. I have tried to call him, email him, talk to his secretary, and have heard nothing. I thought that last night I would be able to talk to him in the class that I supposedly never show up to, but guess what? HE was a NO show. Again today, I do the calling, the emailing and nothing. I got a letter in the mail that stated I needed to have him email the financial aid office by a certain day... and quite frankly, I don't think he is going to do it and I am stressing out BIG TIME. Without that part of the student loan, we won't make it through the academy.

I am an emotional basket case over this... I feel like I am letting us (Brian and me) down. With me being the only one working, times are really hard. I have been looking into getting a second job, but those are few and far between. I work 8a-5p Monday-Thursday, 8a-6p on Friday and some Saturdays. Plus I am going to school during the night... I'm stressed... to say the least.
Please pray for us in that matter. Everytime I put my head on the pillow tonight, I think about failure and I don't want that to affect us.

I had my criminal law class tonight. Dr. Walsh started out class by telling us the test we took last Wednesday must have been harder than she thought. Because of that, she is allowing us all to retest because the scores were that bad. Now, you have to put it in your mind that when I left class last Wednesday, I left with a huge smile because I thought I did pretty good. I mean, it did only take me about 27 minutes to do the test, but I thought I did ok. So... she was handing them back and a lot of peoples scores were near 46-60%... all of which were failing. I felt my tummy drop and figured that this was going to be another rough part of my day.

Dr. Walsh handed mine back... 95%... the best out of all 3 of her criminal law classes. 2 people passed this test. The next highest score was a 70%. She said "for those of you who feel you did well enough to not take the retest, *AHEM* Misty Wilson, you are free to go." So, I got to leave class with a smile while everyone else stayed.

That is one proud moment. It's so funny how we can be so proud of one thing and so angry at another. I am trying to have confidence that God will work this out and that everything will happen in His timing... but my "grace period" in getting this teacher at Scraft to email the financial aid office is winding down and there really isn't anything I can do about it. I asked them if I could fax them the notes from the class to prove I am there and nope... the only thing that will work is a letter from my teacher.

My stress level is through the roof. It's so high that I've been having minor chest pains... I'm lost...

Monday, October 13, 2008


Brian and I went to a wedding on Saturday for our cousin Kara. It was a beautiful day and a gorgeous ceremony. Here are a few pictures...

So... that was fun for us.
I don't have to work today because of the holiday... that's nice. Although I do have class tonight and am super busy. :o(

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pride can Kill.... Literally...

Pride can Kill...

Brian and I went out to eat dinner on Friday before I left to go to Port Huron to be with my family. As I was sitting there, a piece of food got lodged in my throat. I waited a few seconds and tried to force it out by grunting and clearing my throat... however that didn't work. (Brian said he didn't even hear me grunt at all). Well... after a few more seconds (at this point it has been like 45 seconds) I get up to go the bathroom because I didn't want to look stupid at the restaraunt. I go to the bathroom, where I end up FINALLY being able to cough and the food became dislodged. Brian told me it was dumb for me to go to a place where no one else was because if it didn't get unlodged, who knows what would have happened. My pride got in the way... :o(

I'm fine now... I feel stupid that I was choking but I also feel stupid that a restaraunts reaction was more important than getting the food dislodged.

I went to Port Huron this weekend... got to spend some time with my family. Gosh how I miss spending time with them at times. I have learned that I love them sooo much and I really enjoy spending time with my mom. I see more and more how I have become more like her and as a child, I can remember saying I never wanted to be like her... where now, I am happy that some of my traits come from her. I dunno...

I didn't get much sleep last night, as I spent most of my night praying for my mom. You see, her hearing is getting worse and the noises in her head (from her ears) are driving her crazy. It's so hard to see her battle and I wish I could take this burden from her and carry it. I wish the noises she heard were gone and they were in my head. I would take that for her... I would do anything to see her smile and happy and not upset at the fact the doctors tell her over and over there is absolutely nothing they can do. (Which is a lie) There is a test they can do that could tell us exactly what they can do, but there is a risk of stroke with this procedure. Granted, my aunt had the same thing done and it isn't that big of a risk, but since it is still a 1% chance, the doctor doesn't want to do it. Hmmm....

I love my husband so much. Sometimes I think I take for granted what God has blessed me with. We have our usual spousal disagreements, but man, I am one LUCKY woman... he is the most amazing person to walk into my life and by golly, I just love him!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Where does the time go?

I have received my first degree from WCC. It's an associates degree in Occupational Studies. I will be receiving my second one in December in Criminal Justice. I will also be going to Liberty University in January to get my Bachelors in Criminal Justice. I think I have found my future!! Haha... I am going to HOPEFULLY do Loss Prevention in banking... but we will see.

School is keeping me busy... well... so is work. I go to work from 8am-5pm, then class from 6p-9p. Brian is pretty busy at the academy. Gone almost everyday, all day. It's hard sometimes... but having 1 income is making us stronger and we budget better now than we did before. Life is just so busy for us lately that it is flying by!

We are going to Williamston on October 11th... Brian's cousin is getting married! We are so happy for her. So that weekend is gone. The weekend after, I am doing the breast cancer walk for work (the 18th), then on the 25th I am going to the NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK CONCERT!! So excited for all of the above.

Work is boring... which is why I am doing this...

I'll talk more later... I have a customer now... :o)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Time for an Update!!

So it's been awhile and I apologize for that. Life has been busy.

I found out what my surprise is from Brian... although I cannot share it. There is another person involved in the surprise and it's a secret for them as well. I am very excited for it and it will be a lot of fun for the both of us... ok... I'm not going to say anymore so I don't give it away.

One week from today, we will be heading south. Brian and I are going on vacation! We are headed to Virginia to spend some time with two awesome people and we are truely blessed to be going. We dont get to see them often, so it is going to be a fun time... I can already tell. After we leave Virginia, we are going to head up to the NRA museum and then head to DC to do some tours and see some monuments. It's a vacation that is needed.

I got my widsom teeth pulled out last Friday. It was a traumatizing experience for me... that's for sure. I hate the dentist. I had to call them everyday to ask more questions or to try to cancel my appointment... but I sucked up my fear and went in. Dr. Fear was great and I had no pain, no swelling, no bruising, and virtually no bleeding. In that respect, it was a great experience. On the other hand, 7 days after the fact, I have a hard lump forming where my cheek meets my jawbone and it isn't a pretty feeling. It hurts to talk, to chew, to yawn... well... virtually anything I do with my mouth causes it to hurt. I hope it goes away... quickly. Valerie, my co-worker, told me the same thing happened to her and it took over a year for it to go away. I really cannot wait that long.

Brian starts the academy in 18 days. It's so crazy to think that after he is finished, it's another chapter in our lives together that is coming to a close. Crazy!!!! I feel old and that I should be more accomplished than I am, but have to face the facts everyday that I am not what I could have been right now. I dunno... that sounds weird to say, but it makes perfect sense in my head. When we get home from DC, we are going to Lapeer to see Chris... that is exciting for us because he has been gone for so long and seeing him again is just going to be a treat. Also, their (his and his wife's) lives are changing so much too. She is pregnant with their first child, Chris will come home just to leave again for training, then after that, they will move to a base somewhere and live there for a while. Again... we are all getting older and that is a scary thing!

I am in love with the Nikon D80. I cannot wait to get it. I think right after Brian is out of the academy, I will get one. For Christmas this year, all I am going to ask for is Best Buy giftcards. I want to be able to purchase it and play with it and just do something I love to do.

Since I am at work, I am going to log off and actually do some work...


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ok... lots to talk about...

I just went and applied to Schoolcraft college because if I want to graduate from WCC in the fall, I will need to take 2 classes from schoolcraft to do so. They are not offered at WCC this fall... so... everything is a go for that one...

I have another interview at Washtenaw County Sheriff's office on the 27th. I found out that I passed all the tests so far, but there is still a LONG way to go. In a way, this job would be great for us because not only would it help pay our cost of living while brian is at the academy, but it will also help pay off some of our debt. That is so exciting to think about. Especially since I could work 12-16 hour days if I wanted to. :o) That equals A LOT of overtime.

I helped out at the Arlington Square branch for the past two weeks. They like me so much, they are going to try to take me away from my branch. If I don't get the job at Washtenaw, I may move because my office manager is leaving *tear* and moving to Wisconsin. She is what holds our branch together. If our CSL were to get the Office Manager position, there will be 3 more people leaving... just leaving the CSL and the branch manager... yep... that's right. Their relationship is not appropriate for a work relationship, but whatever.

I found out a little bit more about my "surprise." I am not allowed to ask anymore questions... but maybe you all can help me. Here's what I know so far. I will get it in October... before my birthday (which is the 19th). He told me he was going to start telling me stuff to confuse me... and it is working. It is something I could hold in my hand if I wanted. It is not clothing or jewelry. It might not only affect our lives, but those people who are close to us as well. It is something he ordered but will not come in until October. If he were to give it to me right now, it would make no sense until October anyways. It's not a divorce, it's not a new car...

I'm lost...

Does that make sense to any of you??

Monday, June 9, 2008

Brian is working on a surprise for me. He said I can't get it for "some" months. I am going crazy at the thought that he is keeping something from me. GrRrRrR!

I'm excited though because in just over a months time, we are going to Virginia to see some of our really good friends and then going to DC on our way home.

It's going to be a BLAST!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I think I have played COD4 more in the past few days than ever before. I have a new friend on there... I play with him regularly... His name is Mike. I also play with his girlfriend when she is around, she is Brandy. It's been really fun getting to know him and her through the PS3.

Christina is coming to spend the night with us... we are going to take her out for an "anniversary" dinner since Chris isn't here to spoil her... :o) I even made cupcakes for her!

I have to go though... I have to answer a philosophy question so I can get .1% added to my grade... that's right... questions are worth .1%.....


Thursday, May 22, 2008


Oh... the end of the semester was WONDERFUL... but then... a new one started.. YUCK! I got 2 days off for break then started up again. I am taking a Stats class, Philosophy class, and a Constitutional Law Class. They are ok..well... except for the philosophy class... I hate it already.

I am taking three classes this spring/summer so I can finish my second degree in the fall while Brian is at the academy. It's going to be a crazy fall for us... and hopefully we will get enough money saved for the academy itself. It costs $4000... so if any of you know of miracles, let me know!!

Life is going good though... I have some of the greatest friends... speaking of which... we are having pizza night at our house tomorrow. I am excited... our apt is small so people don't generally like to come over here.

It's official... I am addicted to Call of Duty for the PS3... yep... it's time I admit to it now...

I should go because I need to answer a homework question on Plato the Phaedo... riiiiiiiight...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Mother's Day. A day that is proving to be one of the most difficult for me. This is the first mother's day that has happened since the miscarriages. WoW... Crazy. The emotions I am going through are just insane, so here I sit in a room by myself trying to deal with them all. I just feel so empty... so torn up inside.

Not only am I dealing with my own personal dilemma with the miscarriages, but it has been a hard week with my mom as well. I have called her a few times so we could take her out to dinner today to celebrate, and all she can do is tell me she doesn't want to talk to me about it and hang up the phone on me about it. Ouch...

As you can see, my heart is hurting for many reasons today. I would have my twins here today if they didn't leave me. Or... I would be pregnant today, if that one didn't leave me too. Today is an especially hard day for me. Is that selfish? I want to spend time with people, but I feel as though I cannot give all of myself to the joy in celebrating mothers right now.

For all of you mother's out there... Happy Mother's Day... for those of you who are not... Happy Woman Day...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Oh So Frustrated!!!

Work. Yep... that has me frustrated. I have been at the Packard/Brockman branch for 8 months now and guess what?? I suffered my first offage today. Being's that it was my first one, is a good thing, but it was for $650 and that isn't good. I did the transaction wrong... although I did get manager approval for it to go through, so I don't know what will happen...
Other than that, I am really stinking frustrated with one of my co-workers. I cannot handle how they treat me and others on a daily basis. One minute they are mean and wretched, the next they act like they are your best friend. I have learned one thing through this person... DO NOT TRUST THEM!! Everything they say is a lie, everything they tell me (us) to do has been wrong. I don't know... been thinking about transferring to another branch. If I knew for a fact that Brian was going to get a police job around here, I would apply for a dispatcher position... that would be more money for me, better insurance, and allow me to finish my criminal justice degree while Brian is in the academy. Hmmmm...
In other news... our friend Chris is now gone. :o( We have been praying for him, although we know he doesn't need it, I'm sure he appreciates it. :o) It will be good to see him in August.

I posted a few pics of their going away party on my myspace, although here are a few of my favorites.

The Happy Herr's...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Going Crazy

I'm at work right now... shhh... don't tell anyone.. :o)

Saturdays are always slow until the last 10 minutes. Then it gets crazy here. Brian is at home getting everything ready for our mini-trip up to Lapeer for the Herr party this weekend. I have to make sure he takes my camera! This is going to be the last time we see Chris for a while since he is leaving for the marines on Sunday. It's crazy the decisions in life we make... I am very proud of my dear friend for taking such big step in his life. He says it has been something he has always wanted to do, and I admire him for doing it. It will be quite the experience for him, but I'm very proud of him.

Our friends Tasha and Gab aren't moving away to Tennessee or Virginia!! YEAH!!! It's nice having people here in Ann Arbor that we see on (at least) a weekly basis. I am very happy about them not leaving us. I would have bene very sad... it seems as though the minute I start getting close to someone, they end up moving away or something. I mean, life changes make you go places, but the jist of it is I am happy they aren't leaving.

Ok... I have 40 minutes of work left... I should try to do something productive!


If you couldn't tell... my spirits are getting slightly better. Still having a hard time... but spirits are starting to go up! Thank God for His Grace!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A congrats is in order...

Brian came home from work yesterday to tell me one of our friends is now pregnant. WoW. I am so happy for them, as I know they have been wanting children, however my heart is hurting. I realized that if I wouldn't have had another miscarriage, that I would be preggo with her. The emotions I feel cannot be expressed in words. I hurt. I hurt so bad. I spent all of last night crying. Jealousy? No... Anger? yes... but not towards our friends... more towards God for what he has put me through a second time. I do not feel as though my emotions have started to level out yet. I honestly don't know if I can even look at my friends right now, only because of how much it hurts! That sounds so selfish... I know. I'm sure many of you are thinking, "gee... just get over it," but sadly it isn't that easy.

I am hoping I get better soon. I am hoping that I can get past all of this to let them know how happy I am for them. I want them to feel my support, and caring side... I just need to shake my own self. This morning, I have started to "stuff" the emotions. I know this is probably not the best thing to do at the moment, but given what is coming up this week/weekend/next week, I must. I need to forget how I feel about myself and ask the God that I am not too happy with to help me get through the next 7 days.

SO... if you are reading this, which I have a feeling you may paruse this, Congrats. I truly am happy for you. I just hope you are able to see that through what I am going through...
Love you guys...

For the rest of you... No I will not tell you who it is!

Monday, April 28, 2008

I went to my doctor last week... found out that I needed a D&C. For those of you who do not know what that is, don't ask... it's the hardest thing to have done. I am surprised though, that they didn't do that on the 9th... hmmm...?

I got a package in the mail today. It's from Brian's Aunt Michelle... yeah... she is an amazing person. She sent me hand-tuned wind chimes and every time I hear them chime, I am to think about how much she loves me and how much God loves me. That is one thing that I have not been feeling lately.

The doctor I saw last week doesn't agree with my doctor in the birth control she picked out for me. I had 2 miscarriages on Yaz, but it suited my body well. Loestrin 24 does not seem to be agreeing with my system. I'll have to figure something out though... not sure as to whether or not I should contact my doctor or try to give it more time to work it's way into my system.

My emotions are becomming more stable and sadly, I have found comfort in food. I have gained 5 pounds since the 9th... and have not gone to the gym. Hmmmm... I'm a fatty.

School is almost over for the winter semester, however, I have spring classes starting right afterwards, so we will see! I am anxious to get started in doing loss prevention work but scared all at the same time! Brian starts the academy in just 3.5 months... WOW... gotta come up with $4500 to get him through that one... times are tough right now, that's for sure.

Anyways... thanks for the continued prayers... we greatly appreciate it!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

2 Weeks Later...

Well... it's been two weeks since the second miscarriage. Still numb, still sad, still angry... but still seeking out the Lord. This has been one of the most stressful times in my life... not to mention for the past 2 weeks I have been feeling nauseaous every single moment, of every single day. Plus, on the graphic side (I apologize if this is too much detail) but I am still bleeding. That has been going on for 21 days now and I feel like I am becomming anemic. I am more pale than usual, I am shaky all the time, stomach is upset all the time... not sure what to do. The doctor told me this "was normal" and that it will pass "in due time."

Brian and I have had a few discussions concerning what has been going on, which has helped. I find myself wondering if he will ever be at a point in his life where he will want children. He told me he was afraid to be a dad, but I'm afraid to be a mom too... I just hope that one day, he will tell me that he is ready... and I hope it isn't too far off... then again, the way my ovaries are, maybe he won't have to wait! Haha... since they are "overactive."

I have found "healing" in playing video games... well... ok... it isn't healing. It's more of a way to get my mind off of everything. It works though... although that can be stressful too because of how intence COD4 is.

School is almost over for us... well... for Brian. I start the new semester on May 5th. I have an online class and two in class ones starting up. Constitutional Law and Basic Statistics...
Although good at math... I HATE IT!!

I am going to try to get some rest... it seems as though that is one of the only things keeping my body going...

Thank you for those of you who have been praying... I have felt the love and compassion!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Death All Around...

Today is the 25th anniversary of my father's death. Sadly, I was just able to get past how I felt about my day yesterday to realize that today was the day. Talk about having a moment...

My mom just called me as well... Mr. Merek, my childhood neighbor... the greatest neighbor of all time, passed away. They don't know if he was killed (his car was stolen) or if that was just a coincidence. That too, makes me super sad...

Let's not forget about the emotional stress I still am coping with from yesterday. I just still can't believe that I forgot today was the anniversary.... Gosh... I let my own emotions block that out... :o(

In the past 2 days... I have experienced Death (or had memories) and let me tell you, IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Should I hate God?


Gosh... I can't believe this is happening again. June of last year I had my first miscarriage...
Can you figure out where this is going???

I just got home from the doctor... bad news. Once again, my body is being STUPID and has rejected a precious thing. No, Brian and I were not trying, but either way, what was there, is there no more.


Sunday, April 6, 2008


Brian's surprise went GREAT!! Now that he has it, I can tell you what it is!

I got him a vest for his shooting competitions from Tactical Tailor, and a PS3!!! My husband is absolutely amazing and deserves so much more than I can give him.

I have had some health problems since the middle of last week... don't want to say what they are yet... until I find out from the doctor on Wednesday... wish me luck! After the doctors appointment, I get to go get a rental car and turn mine in to get the bumper fixed.

Last night, Brian and I went to my cousin's birthday party. Stace turned 40! It's been a few years since we have talked but man oh man... it was nice getting to see some of my family again. I don't see my father's side of the family much. :o(

I made a card for him though, I hope he enjoyed it! I took a picture of him from 1980 when he got a gag gift and made a card out of it... yeah... I was feeling a tad bit creative! I was going to post it on here, but there are errors in doing that, so nevermind... just take my word for it! :o)

School is almost over... just 4 more weeks and we will be DONE!! Well.. I start right back up but Brian get's the summer semester off! Lucky dog! But then in August, my love will be at the academy all day long and I will hopefully be working enough to pay all the bills! Thinking about getting a second job... just not sure where I could do that though! Between the bank and classes, I'm pretty much spent as it is!

Well... I should go. We are going to study tonight and gotta leave soon!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Surprise Day!

I have been working on a surprise for Brian for quite some time now and well.. today he will be getting the first part of it... I have a few things to do before the gifts start to be given... but man oh man... I'm excited!

I'll keep you posted!

Monday, March 17, 2008

In Case You didn't Know...

I'm stupid. Yep... that's right... in every essence of the word. I got a test back today in my criminal investigation class and ended up getting a B+. How STUPID can I be? A B+! Com'on! I am so upset at myself for doing so horrible on that test. To make matters worse, this class is the EASIEST class ever... and I still get a B. Dumb Dumb Dumb.

I just can't get over it... seriously thinking of dropping the class because of how horrible my grade is. :o(

I figured I would post more pictures of Maddie. We celebrated Grandma Kreh's Birthday... here are a few from then...

She was trying to sleep...

Maddie and Mommy

Grandpa and Grandma Kreh

Sleeps like an angel...

Maddie with Aunt Michelle

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Next time...

The next time you go to a bank... keep this in mind!

50 Things I Have Learned By Being A Bank Teller
1. I know everyone in the world, so I never need to ask for ID.
2. "I'll be with you in one moment," means "Come right up here into my business and breathe your popcorn breath in my face for a while."
3. Every bank in the world steals money from its customers, particularly from the ones that don't keep a transaction register.
4. I'm always kidding when I tell people a check is not any good. I'm a good kidder.
5. I know the balance of every account at the bank.
6. I am at the bank just because I feel like it. My window isn't actually open when I say, "May I help you?"
7. I know everyone's account number.
8. I know everyone's address.
9. I don't understand how banking works.
10. I have to do whatever the person who gave my customer the check said.
11. I don't know how to count.
12. I don't know how to add.
13. I don't know what the date is.
14. I can read everyone's mind.
15. If I ask for your social, Im trying to steal your identity.
16. I know when every new coin will be arriving.
17. I know how much everyones bills are for the month.
18. We don't sell stamps.
19. We are just here for fun on most holidays, we're not really open. We love it when you rub it in.
20. When someone asks how you want your cash back, your suppose to wait until I have it counted it back to you.
21. Apparently people have different definitions of commercial.
22. Your time is more important than mine. I have no life. When you show up 5 minutes before we close to make 10 deposits or open a new account, we don't mind.
23. Everyone with the Bank name tag is related.
24. I am also your secretary.
25. We love to place holds on your checks for fun. We are the only bank that does it.
26. 13 hours and 10 minutes is not enough time for people to do their business.
27. I am in charge of the never ending popcorn, smarties, lollipops, and coffee.
28. It is polite to ignore someone when they say hello.
29. It is my fault when someone cuts you in line. I should have been paying attention to you and not your money.
30. I know what a checkingdepositwithdrawal for savings is.
31. Being rude should make me want to help you more.
32. I am not really human. I should never make mistakes.
33. It is okay to walk into someone's office when their door is shut.
34. I have a secret collection of licenses in my cubby.
35. I can't hear. I need you to ding the bell 5 times in a row.
36. The sign that says "Next Window Please" is just for decoration.
37. I make people wait on purpose. It's fun to make them mad.
38. I know everyone's PIN number to their ATM card. 38. Fraud doesn't really happen to anyone. Therefore, I should give everyone exactly what they want.
39. The coin machine is my favorite thing to do.
40. The bank gives out free poinsettias at Christmas. We order them for you, not the bank. Display only means whatever you want it to mean.
41. Please and Thank You are forbidden words at the bank. We hate to hear them.
42. Checking and Savings deposit slips are EXACTLY the same, we just like all the pretty colors and wanted to make them more colorful. Marking through the word savings changes the deposit slip completely!
43. When I tell someone the same thing over and over, I'm just doing it for fun. I like to waste my breath.
44. We will break the rules for anybody as long as you gripe for more than 10 minutes..
45. I am a professional coin counter. Even when the machine is broken, I will count the coin for you by hand!
46. I am psychic. When you call I can recognize your voice and pull up your information automatically. My computer is voice activated. It's all that fancy technology we have.
47. You don't have to tell me that you've been with the bank for 50 years. I can tell.
48. Even after 5 years, I am a new teller to anyone who has never seen me before. If I've never met you, I have no idea what I'm doing.
49. I make the rules for the banking industry. You can blame everything on me!
50. I'm an idiot.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Depression is horrible. I have suffered from it for many years, however, it feels worse and different right now. I feel lost in my on body. I feel like there isn't anything I can do... except wait. I'm tired...
I'm tired of crying... of hoping, of wishing, wanting, longing...

Work has me down in the dumps. I swear, I must have a "walk all over me" sign on my back that I didn't know about. I feel like a slave to Tahirah... as she makes me go get her ice and grab things off the printer, just because "she doesn't want to." Things will change there... very soon.

I have severe hyperhidrosis. It happens all the time, no matter what I do to prevent it. For those of you who know me, you know I have it. It's no secret to anyone. It's embarrassing and makes me want to crawl in a hole.

I was supposed to be finished with school in December, however my manager doesn't want me to take summer classes. She can't "give me the days off" that I need for school... well then why during my interview when I first started, when I mentioned that I am a FULL TIME STUDENT did you not tell me then that you wouldn't work around my school schedule? Why did you say, "well... you are part time, so we will be able to work around whatever you need. Just let us know in advance so we can make the schedule around it." IT'S 2 MONTHS IN ADVANCE!! Again... empty promises... My job has been full of them... from the first day... don't know who to trust when they say anything to me anymore.

My allergies are acting up really bad right now. I'm tired, I'm cranky, I'm depressed...

...welcome to my world...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

i just found out some news today... some news that hurts my heart so bad that I just want to crawl in a hole and bury myself. i can't concentrate on anything right now... it just hurts...

please pray for me...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Madeline Rose

Madeline Rose has arrived. My niece was born on LEAP DAY.... 6lbs 13oz... 19" long... beautiful brown hair...

Uncle Brian does GREAT with Madeline.
I got her while she was pooping... NIIIICE

Proud Mom of #2!

I will post more pics of her later on... :o)

She is precious though...

There was a slight scare at the hospital yesterday when Madeline couldn't get past the mucous in her throat and couldn't breathe. Mom and nurses were on it and everything is going fine... it was quite the scare though! Keep Madie in prayers as she continues to grow and get past the first couple of weeks!!

Friday, February 29, 2008

So much going on...

My sister-in-law is at the hospital right now... delivering her daughter. How exciting!! This is baby #2 for her...

I went to school the other day to talk to the lady who does audits, and found out that I will be getting two degrees from Washtenaw... that is SO exciting.

Then... I GOT A MEMBERSHIP TO A GYM!! That means... HOPEFULLY soon I will be skinney!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Being Busy = NO Fun!

Hectic... that is one word to describe my weekend. Friday was nice and relaxed. We went to dinner with some friends, then went back to their house and I got to see their new puppy while the boys played Call of Duty.

Saturday started out hectic... Brian and I went up to Lapeer to get my car looked at by his brother. Brandon, however, went to Oscoda to go fishing so we thought we would have our other friend look at it to see if he and Brian could fix it... well.. the belts to my car are all under the engine, so we were going to have to get it taken in. I called around and NOT happy about the prices... decided not to get it fixed.

Saturday afternoon, we hung out with Candice and Buddy... played Hand & Foot... which is probably my new favorite card game...

Saturday night, we went and saw Bringing Down Broadway play... and got home SUPER late... well... late to me.

Sunday morning, we woke up for me to get lectured about not eating breakfast (which is something I RARELY do). That set me in a mood... then we went to a baby shower - which given the miscarriage was REALLY difficult...

At the shower I got asked, "When are you going to get pregnant..." I wanted to KILL her. How could you say that?? You KNOW what I went through, you KNOW what I'm going through, and yet you are still so cruel, that you have to ask that... GR.

Then, we went and saw James, Amanda, the kids, Joel, Holly, and Gabe. It was SO nice seeing them. It had been WAY too long. I really miss them all. It was fun though, getting to see them... AND the baby. Gosh, Elijah is an adorable baby boy! Then, per ritual ( I hear it's a ritual ) we went to Red Robin... Yumm!

Leaving the restaraunt, we almost got killed when a car decided to run me off the road and we almost hit the median going 70mph.

I just got home from work and need to work on a 15 page research paper, a 30 presentation, and a group project...


Monday, February 18, 2008


What a day today has been. I've been sitting in front of the computer all day trying to work on my 15 page research paper... and I only got maybe 1 page done. Yuck...
Ah well... I guess things are going well... been really tired ... that again equals a YUCK....

I went to Port Huron this past weekend. That was fun, I guess. My cousin Julie is an IDIOT... and does NOT deserve to be a mother to her children. She told her oldest daughter she was going to give her away... nice eh?

I'm just agitated right now... stupid people piss me off...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I think we are officially narrowing down a time to go to Virginia/Washington DC. If it is ok with our friends, we will be going down at the end of July. Cannot wait...

We filled out more paperwork today for Brian to get scholarships for the police academy... money is going to be so tight when he is there. He will not be able tow roek at all so of course I get all stressed out by thinking that the world is going to end. At this time next year, we will both have been done with school/academy for 2 months! I see that our lives are changing a lot... even our friends. Chris and Christina will be leaving, Gab and Tasha are pretty much gone... everyone is moving away. Y-U-C-K.

I am really getting stresed out about Brian going to the academy though. Financially, it is going to be the hardest time of our lives. I will be finishing up classes that semester... if I don't finish up this summer (which I may just try to do). So, I will be taking on a full class load, then trying to work as much as possible. :o( Brian will be gone Sunday-Saturday from 6am-6pm. He will not be able to work. I hope things work out... and I know that God has it under control... I am just scared. Very very scared.

Ah well...

I have a research paper I should be writing... but I have to do some research... I guess I will go now...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I'm Rich

I learned that in church today. I am rich. I mean financially rich. You are probably thinking that I am some crazy person right now, but seriously... I'm rich. Gallop did a survey once to see what people thought "rich" was... and all across the US, the people thought $120,000 was considered rich. If you made that, then you were well off.

Today, I learned that I am in the top 4% of the worlds population when it comes to money. What?? I know. If you made $35,000 last year, you are in the top 4% of the world. 96% of the worlds population did not even make that last year. It put a new perspective on it for me!

Brian's mom and dad spent the night with us last night. They went to church with us today, which was a lot of fun. We went to Cabela's yesterday, and went to dinner at Applebee's, came home, played a game, then watched a movie. It was nice not having to drive to someone and actually having someone come to us. I wish my mom had a better car so she could come and see us. I miss her. :o(

In the past 3 weeks, I have made 6 dozen cupcakes... WOW. I have been a baking machine. I want to make a cobbler one of these days... a mixed berry cobbler... I have never done a peach one... but I am hoping it will turn out!

It's almost Valentines day... N-I-C-E. I don't know why I said that... it's just another day of the week for us... since we don't celebrate it at all... hmmm...

I'm tired... so I am going to go to bed... I know. It's only 6:30, but I don't care!

Night ya'll

OH... if you are the praying type, I have some friends that could use some prayer... our friend Matt from small group found out he has A-Typical cells on two parts of his body, so he is going in on Weds to have more removed. Our friend Gab needs prayer because he doesn't know what good dancing is... :o)

but no... seriously... if you could please pray for Matt, that would be really kind of you. Also our friend Ian found out his dad is pretty ill, and he realized that his dad isn't superman anymore... that one day, he too will die... and I think it is hitting him harder than he let on today... please pray for him too...

And our friends in Virginia... the VanWynsbergs...

:o) Thanks

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I've been thinking a lot about memories lately. I mean, com'on, when you're sick, you don't have much else to think about.

I've thought about what kind of child I was... the guilt I feel for wanting things, knowing we didn't have the money for it, but also knowing mom would get it for me if I wanted it. I guess I never really appreciated everything she did for me. But as I have been getting older, I realize it now... and it means a lot to me.

I've been thinking a lot about the time I (we) were involved in CANT Ministries. It was a good time, although a bad time. It's been a while since we have been there or seen anyone. I think the last time we saw them all was at Jeff and Jolene's wedding in 2006. There is so much hurt built up in my heart concerning some of the people there. Not sure what to do with it all. I've been thinking about it a lot... well... thinking about them a lot.

The good news is... I think I am getting over them. I think I am finally getting over the relationships/friendships I have lost through following the path we are on. I'm actually ok with it.

I'm supposed to be at training today. I've been really sick the past couple of days, so training isn't happening. I hope my manager isn't too upset with me... I'm just not doing to good with the flu right now. I missed class on Tuesday, missed training on Weds morning, thank god school was canceled last night because I wouldn't have been able to go and that is one class you don't want to miss. And today, I am not at training. The doctor gave me some good medicine though... so maybe I'll feel better soon. He told me I would feel better by tomorrow... 250% better... I'm holding him to his word.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Pregnancy = Sadness!!

Why does pregnancy make me sad??

Wait.. NOT me... I'm NOT pregnant! When I find out others are pregnant... I get all sad. Maybe it's because of the miscarriage... I don't know. I mean, I am very very very happy for them, but it hurts inside. Is that bad? Is that weird? Will I ever get over the stupid miscarriage?

Right now, I know 9 girls who are pregnant... 9!!!! It just hits my heartstrings. I know that one day, that will be me... and that will be fine... I just hurt sometimes. Bri and I are almost done with school (December 08), then we will get a house, then children. I know I am not ready for them right now, but I just wonder a lot...

If I didn't miscarry... I'd be 7 mos pregnant right now... that is SO weird to think about... :o)

One day I will meet my twins, and that will be a good day... until then... I must be content....

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Feeling Yucky

What a day today has been. I started out by getting up SUPER early to meet my boss for coffee. Then, went to work. The good thing about today is it went by SUPER fast. After work, I was supposed to meet up with a friends Jerome and Tahirah and Jerome ditched us. I was going to tell him that I will not be organizing his business anymore because I don't think that is something I should be doing right now. Tahirah and I ended up going to Applebee's and having a chat...

Then I noticed it...


YUCK! I got home and Bri mentioned haning out with Gab and Tasha. That is always fun, so of course I did it... :o) Great People = Great Times. I'm tired though... I think the infection is draining me ... and it hurts. Not to mention I have had a migraine for a while that I have not been able to get rid of. YUCK. If I do not feel better in the morning, I will probably not go to church and I will be vegging at home sending Brian out to do errands and such. Lucky him, eh?

My heart bill is almost paid off! Only owe $400 more... that is exciting! Only owe a little more than that on Brian's truck then that is paid off. It will sure be nice to get things paid off around here!

Oh... I'm fat. I forgot to mention that. I need to get in shape REAL bad... FAT = Misty!!!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Favorite Number

Inquiring minds wanted to know my favorite number... here you go:


No. It is not a random number. If you called me and asked me to repeat it to you, I could.


Sunday, January 27, 2008


I feel sad today and I am not fully sure why. I went to Port Huron to see how my aunt was doing, and she is doing fine now. That is a happy thing though....

I think I know what is bothering me. It is something that has bothered me for Months/YEARS... but I don't know how to fix it. I'm not just going to do something because it's something to do. I don't want people to look at me better because I did it. I am the same person today I would be if I did it... but I just feel people looking down on me for not doing it. :o(

I'm sad.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I forgot!!

I have had a few emails about the outcome of my surgery that I didn't post about in my long blog.

I had surgery on December 17th to remove a tumor from my shoulder and a tumor from my wrist. The one in my wrist was 3.5" long... the one in my shoulder was 3.5cm deep. It was a rough night, from what you can see in the picture below.

This was taken as soon as I got home... I think the kitties missed me. :o)

I was doped up on a lot of medication, but I felt ok for a while. Then the anesthesia wore off. The doctors office called the next morning to tell me they ordered a rush biopsy and that I should find out in a couple of days.

When the results came in, they called and told me the tumor in my shoulder was malignant. The one in my wrist was not. I was ok with it at first because they told me they got it all. THEN, I call Brian at work and tell him the results, who kind of freaks out because cancer is cancer, right? It was a long night of tears and fear, but prayer helped. The doctor called the next day (the day after I got the first results) and was told the results I was given the previous day were wrong, and that I did NOT have cancer. It was a really weird time for me, but I was happy knowing that I was cancerfree.

Now I am still attempting to recooperate. I do not have full use of my wrist and lost a lot of the feeling on top of my hand. I don't know if I will ever get it back, but either way, I am happy I had the surgery.

Ok... It's time for sleep! Good night everyone!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I am so stinking annoyed at my cousin that I could seriously vomit right now...

Why can't people grow up? Why can't a 30 year old woman with 3 children have a job to take care of them? Why?

Ugh! So annoyed!!!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I'm tired. This past week has drained me beyond belief. I just want to sleep all day long.

I'm going to Port Huron again this weekend to check on my Aunt. I guess she was saying that after the surgery and she is coherant enough, she isn't going to talk any medications. Maybe that was the fear talking... I dont' know. It's just frustrating.

I have to work today... 11-4:30, then it's off to school until 9pm. Yuck. My teacher is great though...

I have to present tomorrow at work. Not looking forward to that. I'm too tired to do anything right now!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Catch Up!!

I went to go post on my old blog, and it will not allow me to log in. It says that it has been deleted... which is a funny thing, because I did not delete it.

I thought I would do a catch up entry... since so much is going on!

My aunt Judy had open heart surgery today. She is in the ICU at Port Huron Hospital. She had 5 bad arteries (clogged), and they couldn't do anything about 2 of them. She ended up having a triple bypass surgery. Her daughter Julie, has 3 children and does not have a job. Julie is currently living with her mom and sleeps until the afternoon. Aunt Judy, after working a midnight shift, would have to come home and be with the children because Julie wouldn't get up with her kids. That is sad. It makes me want to vomit. She is the type of person that shouldn't have children.

My surgery is long and over. It has been a month and 2 days since my surgery and I still have a lot of pain. My hand/wrist won't even bend. I have a numb spot on my hand and it swells up quite a bit. I hurts a lot... but I think it is getting stronger. I still am unable to open up bottles that have twist caps on them. It sends an electrical shock through my hand and arm. My scar looks good though! See? The one on my shoulder is good... only gets aggitated when I use it a lot.

School has started up. Brian and I will both be done this fall... which means another chapter of our lives will be over. We will both be going on to get our Bachelor's degrees. Brian wants to get his in intelligence or counter terrorism. I am not sure what I will get mine in. I am thinking psychology because it is always good to have a psychology degree in the field I want to go into. I want to do loss prevention/avoidance things at National City. I love being a teller there, and have caught a lot of fraud already. I would like to be able to do post robbery type investigations, which requires me to go into the minds of criminals. In my seminar class, I have done almost all of the homework for the semester... got 3 more reports to write, then I will be done!
Life is going really well for us. It seems as though this year is a time of transition for us and for a lot of our friends and family. It's scary to think about all of the changes that are coming about, but they are all for the good and I am excited to see what God is going to do through them!
We have been attending Keystone Community Church in Saline every Sunday. It has become our home church. It's an amazing place to be and there are so many new relationships being built. Brian and I have been going to a small group and have met some couples our age that are on fire for God and want serve Him.
I guess that is all for now... I'm sure I will be on here again soon! :o) Or at least, if I don't get on here, I'm sure Jenn will remind me!! (Thanks for that because I did totally forget!)

About Me

My photo
Ann Arbor, MI
I have been married since August 27, 2005. I have two kitties rescued from Hurricane Katrina. I have 2 heros... my mom and Brian. They are the most amazing people to me and have helped in so many ways. I guess you could say that Aunt Jane is a hero too. She is always there to help support us and is encouraging... you can tell her and mom are sisters!! I am a criminal justice major. I have received an associates degree in occupational studies in May of 2008 and have been awarded my associates degree in Criminal Justice. Now I attend Liberty University based out of Lynchburg, VA., majoring in what else, but Criminal Justice.

A wonderful memory

A wonderful memory

Great Friends

Great Friends

Tasty Flowers

Tasty Flowers

Complete Awesomeness

Complete Awesomeness

My Love

My Love