Friday, October 31, 2008

Becomming Mean.

I think I want to be mean. Just once. I have had quite the week, well, few weeks.

Lets start off by saying I hate being sick. I had a cold for a few days, and then a few days after I felt better, I decided that throwing up would be a fun thing to do. This has been going on since mid-October. Even right now, my stomach is turning like crazy, however nothing is coming out. I have had numerous people ask me if I was pregnant. Who knows! I highly doubt it since I take a little pill to prevent such things from happening at this point. I have no other symptoms, so I would have to say no. Plus, I don't think my emotions can handle such news. After 2 miscarriages and a hubby who wants to wait until we are done with school... I couldn't handle the stress. So as of right now, lets go with a definite no on the baby issue.

Secondly, I was in class on Wednesday night and we were talking about the 6 briefs we had to write the week before. My teacher, Dr. Ruth, decided not to collect them and the whole class got really upset because for those who did the homework, it was kind of time consuming. I stated that I didn't mind doing them, because the cases we typically brief are really good cases. (It's a Criminal Law class.) Anyways, Dr. Ruth said, "You probably get all of your briefs from Brian." I stated that Brian didn't take criminal law, therefore I didn't copy his "briefs." I got a little upset at this. Does she think that is all I do? Copy from my husband? The more I think about it, the more upset I get. I think about all the times I have taken her for classes that Brian has had her for, if she thinks that I copied things from Brian. News Flash... Brian threw away all of his notes from her classes and I am a frickin' independant person who can do things on their own!!! I don't ride Brian's coat tails and am extremely offended at the comment made.

Thirdly, (yep, I'm gonna keep going)... In that CrimLaw class that I guess I don't do my own work in, I have a "buddy." This buddy of mine likes to not do the homework and ask me to make copies of mine, or email him mine. So far, for all the briefs we have been assigned, he has done NONE. I have done them all. Just call me mat and walk all over me. I'm a little tired of it... but I am too nice and never tell him No. I feel bad for people and have this horrilble trait that I just don't like to say no to people. I need to stop that... but I think if I say no, that they won't like me anymore and you know what? I don't flipping care anymore. I have spent too much of my life worrying about what other people say and think about me that I just am done with it all. If you don't like me for saying no to something or for any reason at all, deal with it. I don't care anymore. If I don't like something you do or say in my presence, I will tell you. I'm not going to let people walk all over me anymore.

Nothing else is really going on. I have a really hard midterm coming up in one of my classes but I am thinking that I should do ok. I am hoping that I ace it, but with my luck, probably not.

I guess that is all for now... happy reading.... and


Friday, October 17, 2008

Found Out

Wow... what a whirlwind this has been.

My financial aid crisis might be over. Yesterday, I called the school again to try to get a hold of someone who could help me and was finally transferred to Mary. She took all of my information and said she would call me back regarding my situation. Given the relationship I have with Schoolcraft and how they always promise to call back, I wasn't hopeful.

About an hour later I get a call at work, and it is my teacher. He said that he was out and might not be back for the rest of the semester due to a medical illness. I told him that whenever he gets back to work, he will have many voicemails waiting for him. He said he would take care of it and I would be all set.

I called financial aid today and she still hasn't received an email from him. I called the Mary I spoke to yesterday who was a lot of help and she wasn't very helpful about it today. She said she would call me back if there was "anything she could do but didn't think there was because she couldn't bother the teacher at home." I told her that it wasn't my fault that I have been getting marked absent and that I need my student loan to survive through this semester.

Who knows what will happen... maybe Mary will pull through and help me or maybe I will be stuck and we will be hurting for cash and then I can feel horrible for this whole big mess in the first place.

I know God is amazing... I know that he can make anything happen and if I am supposed to get this loan, it will work out. If not, then I'm sure he will work me through it. I have already learned a lot of lessons through this... mainly being patience. I went to bed Tuesday night all upset... and tired and just not knowing what to do. That caused me to miss a lot of sleep because all I did was think about what if this doesn't go through, what will we do? Then I decided to put all my trust and faith in God and I got to sleep soundly. It's amazing what happens when you don't carry the burden by yourself. It's so freeing.

Now I sit back and I wait... My teacher won't be back for a while so I will be praying for him for better health. If you think about it, please pray for him too. His name is Richard Delonis.

My birthday is just 2 days away... that's crazy! 26 stinking years old... hard to believe that I have been driving for 10 years!!! I am 4 years away from 30... WHAT?!?!!!
To celebrate, my 2 co-workers and I are going to Chili's tomorrow for lunch and margaritas!! Brian is at the academy all day so I will be celebrating with the girls before I celebrate with him!

He is going to Auburn Hills to test on Monday. That should be good. I'm anticipating a phone call one day that says, "Brian Wilson, we would like to offer you a position... " Man... that is going to be a good day. He is doing amazing at the academy though. He is meeting a ton of people that are really cool... (I've gotten to hang out with the boys a few times...)

Well I should go so I can actually get some work done! :o)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stressing out a little...

To get through this semester, Brian and I both took out student loans. His was mostly used to pay for the police academy, where mine was to live off of. WCC pulled my student loan... meaning they initially gave me the money, then took it back. Now I owe WCC $2000.

Sallie Mae, my student loan grantor, told me I should reapply through my other school Schoolcraft... which I did. I was approved and my check was on the way... then... one of my teachers marked me absent for the whole class. He reported that I haven't shown up for one class, which is a huge mistake. I have tried to call him, email him, talk to his secretary, and have heard nothing. I thought that last night I would be able to talk to him in the class that I supposedly never show up to, but guess what? HE was a NO show. Again today, I do the calling, the emailing and nothing. I got a letter in the mail that stated I needed to have him email the financial aid office by a certain day... and quite frankly, I don't think he is going to do it and I am stressing out BIG TIME. Without that part of the student loan, we won't make it through the academy.

I am an emotional basket case over this... I feel like I am letting us (Brian and me) down. With me being the only one working, times are really hard. I have been looking into getting a second job, but those are few and far between. I work 8a-5p Monday-Thursday, 8a-6p on Friday and some Saturdays. Plus I am going to school during the night... I'm stressed... to say the least.
Please pray for us in that matter. Everytime I put my head on the pillow tonight, I think about failure and I don't want that to affect us.

I had my criminal law class tonight. Dr. Walsh started out class by telling us the test we took last Wednesday must have been harder than she thought. Because of that, she is allowing us all to retest because the scores were that bad. Now, you have to put it in your mind that when I left class last Wednesday, I left with a huge smile because I thought I did pretty good. I mean, it did only take me about 27 minutes to do the test, but I thought I did ok. So... she was handing them back and a lot of peoples scores were near 46-60%... all of which were failing. I felt my tummy drop and figured that this was going to be another rough part of my day.

Dr. Walsh handed mine back... 95%... the best out of all 3 of her criminal law classes. 2 people passed this test. The next highest score was a 70%. She said "for those of you who feel you did well enough to not take the retest, *AHEM* Misty Wilson, you are free to go." So, I got to leave class with a smile while everyone else stayed.

That is one proud moment. It's so funny how we can be so proud of one thing and so angry at another. I am trying to have confidence that God will work this out and that everything will happen in His timing... but my "grace period" in getting this teacher at Scraft to email the financial aid office is winding down and there really isn't anything I can do about it. I asked them if I could fax them the notes from the class to prove I am there and nope... the only thing that will work is a letter from my teacher.

My stress level is through the roof. It's so high that I've been having minor chest pains... I'm lost...

Monday, October 13, 2008


Brian and I went to a wedding on Saturday for our cousin Kara. It was a beautiful day and a gorgeous ceremony. Here are a few pictures...

So... that was fun for us.
I don't have to work today because of the holiday... that's nice. Although I do have class tonight and am super busy. :o(

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pride can Kill.... Literally...

Pride can Kill...

Brian and I went out to eat dinner on Friday before I left to go to Port Huron to be with my family. As I was sitting there, a piece of food got lodged in my throat. I waited a few seconds and tried to force it out by grunting and clearing my throat... however that didn't work. (Brian said he didn't even hear me grunt at all). Well... after a few more seconds (at this point it has been like 45 seconds) I get up to go the bathroom because I didn't want to look stupid at the restaraunt. I go to the bathroom, where I end up FINALLY being able to cough and the food became dislodged. Brian told me it was dumb for me to go to a place where no one else was because if it didn't get unlodged, who knows what would have happened. My pride got in the way... :o(

I'm fine now... I feel stupid that I was choking but I also feel stupid that a restaraunts reaction was more important than getting the food dislodged.

I went to Port Huron this weekend... got to spend some time with my family. Gosh how I miss spending time with them at times. I have learned that I love them sooo much and I really enjoy spending time with my mom. I see more and more how I have become more like her and as a child, I can remember saying I never wanted to be like her... where now, I am happy that some of my traits come from her. I dunno...

I didn't get much sleep last night, as I spent most of my night praying for my mom. You see, her hearing is getting worse and the noises in her head (from her ears) are driving her crazy. It's so hard to see her battle and I wish I could take this burden from her and carry it. I wish the noises she heard were gone and they were in my head. I would take that for her... I would do anything to see her smile and happy and not upset at the fact the doctors tell her over and over there is absolutely nothing they can do. (Which is a lie) There is a test they can do that could tell us exactly what they can do, but there is a risk of stroke with this procedure. Granted, my aunt had the same thing done and it isn't that big of a risk, but since it is still a 1% chance, the doctor doesn't want to do it. Hmmm....

I love my husband so much. Sometimes I think I take for granted what God has blessed me with. We have our usual spousal disagreements, but man, I am one LUCKY woman... he is the most amazing person to walk into my life and by golly, I just love him!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Where does the time go?

I have received my first degree from WCC. It's an associates degree in Occupational Studies. I will be receiving my second one in December in Criminal Justice. I will also be going to Liberty University in January to get my Bachelors in Criminal Justice. I think I have found my future!! Haha... I am going to HOPEFULLY do Loss Prevention in banking... but we will see.

School is keeping me busy... well... so is work. I go to work from 8am-5pm, then class from 6p-9p. Brian is pretty busy at the academy. Gone almost everyday, all day. It's hard sometimes... but having 1 income is making us stronger and we budget better now than we did before. Life is just so busy for us lately that it is flying by!

We are going to Williamston on October 11th... Brian's cousin is getting married! We are so happy for her. So that weekend is gone. The weekend after, I am doing the breast cancer walk for work (the 18th), then on the 25th I am going to the NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK CONCERT!! So excited for all of the above.

Work is boring... which is why I am doing this...

I'll talk more later... I have a customer now... :o)

About Me

My photo
Ann Arbor, MI
I have been married since August 27, 2005. I have two kitties rescued from Hurricane Katrina. I have 2 heros... my mom and Brian. They are the most amazing people to me and have helped in so many ways. I guess you could say that Aunt Jane is a hero too. She is always there to help support us and is encouraging... you can tell her and mom are sisters!! I am a criminal justice major. I have received an associates degree in occupational studies in May of 2008 and have been awarded my associates degree in Criminal Justice. Now I attend Liberty University based out of Lynchburg, VA., majoring in what else, but Criminal Justice.

A wonderful memory

A wonderful memory

Great Friends

Great Friends

Tasty Flowers

Tasty Flowers

Complete Awesomeness

Complete Awesomeness

My Love

My Love