Wilson Family

Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Blog Started

I started a new blog today. 2010 is a year for me to forget the past and move on from what I was to who I want to be. There won't be any sugar coating anything on the new blog... but I want to start fresh...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's been forever...

I know it has been forever since I have posted. Oops. Between work and school, I've just been getting by when it comes to time!

Everything is going well for us though. Brian is in the 3rd Phase of his training and will soon be by hisself. He is doing great from how it sounds so big kuddos to him.

Work for me is going really well. I have been transferred to another store that could "use some help." What that specifically means, I do not know, but am sure I will find out in the many days to come.

I have been thinking a lot about babies lately. It's been hitting me really hard because I have a lot of people asking me when Brian and I are going to have kids. Last night, we had "the talk." I don't know what to do. I am excelling in my work so much right now that I have to wonder if I want to or am ready to take a break doing that to have a child. Or, would I just not even go back to it and stay at home? I don't know!!

I have had so many emotions go through me that I am lost. I think back to the times I have been pregnant and wonder if that will happen again... a miscarriage that is. Or, was the timing bad and we just weren't ready? I don't know. Am I ready? Will I ever be "ready"????? I still am finishing up my 3rd degree... but what am I going to do with it when I am done? Will I go back to LP or move on to something different? I'm at the point to where I feel I am ready, but am I or is that just a  feeling that I have currently?


Saturday, September 5, 2009

1st O/N shift.

He left.
He left for his first night on road patrol. After he pulled away, I realized just how much fear I have. I know (logically) that it is irrational... but is it? I am confident that God will protect him. But then, I question my faith. Do I really, with 100% faith, trust that God is going to protect him? Hm...

Brian's new career is allowing me to do some real soul searching. It's funny how I always say "God is in control." Do I let him be in control though? I guess I'm not fully worried about him being out on the road tonight... I think I'm more worried about him being too tired to drive on his way home.

Although my faith feels weak right now, please protect my husband not only tonight, but every night he is on the road. I pray for his safety in travels as he leaves home and heads to Bay City. I pray for the same when he comes home. I pray too, that you use him to spread Jesus to those who are hurting. Protect him and his FTO tonight. I hope he is able to relax and enjoy himself tonight.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's Official!

We got word last night that everything came through! Brian is now an officer for the Bay City Police Department!!!

He gets sworn in on Thursday, August 27th... our anniversary. :o)

I'll post pictures of him in his uniform once he gets them!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Congrats to my Hubbin...

We got a phone call this past Tuesday from Bay City Police Department. They have offered him what they call a conditional offer. Basically that means he will be given a position if he can pass a psychological exam and a medical exam. He goes in this coming Tuesday for both of those and uniform fittings after that. I do have to say that I am VERY proud of him and although it took a little longer than expected, he is happy too.

Once his medical/psychological exams come back, he will be given a "final" offer... which means he starts work. We've already searched the areas for places to live and actually found a house on 4 acres we are in love with. I'm sure by the time we get around to purchasing a home, that one will be off the market but it's great to know what we can look forward to.

I'll keep you updated if/when he gets the final offer. I keep saying "if" because I don't want to get my hopes up if something were to go wrong.

Our houseguest is gone. It's been a long few weeks. Brian and I have probably only had like 3 nights alone since moving into our new place, so it's going to be fun getting some alone time together here to explore everything. I'm glad we could provide a place for Mert to stay though... I'm sure it was easier for her to drive from here compared to where she lives. I tell you though, having 3 people here on 1 water bill is CRAZY compared to having 2 people. It doubled with one extra person! W O W...

I'm off... have a great night everyone!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I realized that everytime I update this... it's random. I think it's a fact that I am a pretty boring person...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Apologetics - A new found passion...

Random picture from 6/30/2009

The class I thought that was going to kill me, is actually not. It is a wondeful class that is really making me question why I am a Christian and what makes me who I am. I am able to ask myself, "why am I a Christian?" Is it because it was a popular thing people were doing at the time? I am able to see myself in a different light and it has just opened up my eyes greatly. Not only am I learning about myself, I am also learning about other world religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Scientology...etc. It's so interesting to see the difference in religions. I never thought I would be interested in such facts, but now that I am in the class, I am thankful for all I am learning. I never understood the whole idea behind apologetics, now I do.

I have realized that I am thankful for Liberty University. I enjoy being able to learn in setting where God is the center of the study. This university is really helping me see what kind of person I want to be. A career in Loss Prevention is something I have always wanted to do, however, after taking a few classes, I want to be able to do something that affects peoples lives. I want to be able to work with children who are hurting, lacking Jesus, committing crimes... I want to be able to reach out to them. Who knows what's in store for me now...

About Me

My photo
Ann Arbor, MI
I have been married since August 27, 2005. I have two kitties rescued from Hurricane Katrina. I have 2 heros... my mom and Brian. They are the most amazing people to me and have helped in so many ways. I guess you could say that Aunt Jane is a hero too. She is always there to help support us and is encouraging... you can tell her and mom are sisters!! I am a criminal justice major. I have received an associates degree in occupational studies in May of 2008 and have been awarded my associates degree in Criminal Justice. Now I attend Liberty University based out of Lynchburg, VA., majoring in what else, but Criminal Justice.

A wonderful memory

A wonderful memory

Great Friends

Great Friends

Tasty Flowers

Tasty Flowers

Complete Awesomeness

Complete Awesomeness

My Love

My Love