Friday, February 29, 2008

So much going on...

My sister-in-law is at the hospital right now... delivering her daughter. How exciting!! This is baby #2 for her...

I went to school the other day to talk to the lady who does audits, and found out that I will be getting two degrees from Washtenaw... that is SO exciting.

Then... I GOT A MEMBERSHIP TO A GYM!! That means... HOPEFULLY soon I will be skinney!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Being Busy = NO Fun!

Hectic... that is one word to describe my weekend. Friday was nice and relaxed. We went to dinner with some friends, then went back to their house and I got to see their new puppy while the boys played Call of Duty.

Saturday started out hectic... Brian and I went up to Lapeer to get my car looked at by his brother. Brandon, however, went to Oscoda to go fishing so we thought we would have our other friend look at it to see if he and Brian could fix it... well.. the belts to my car are all under the engine, so we were going to have to get it taken in. I called around and NOT happy about the prices... decided not to get it fixed.

Saturday afternoon, we hung out with Candice and Buddy... played Hand & Foot... which is probably my new favorite card game...

Saturday night, we went and saw Bringing Down Broadway play... and got home SUPER late... well... late to me.

Sunday morning, we woke up for me to get lectured about not eating breakfast (which is something I RARELY do). That set me in a mood... then we went to a baby shower - which given the miscarriage was REALLY difficult...

At the shower I got asked, "When are you going to get pregnant..." I wanted to KILL her. How could you say that?? You KNOW what I went through, you KNOW what I'm going through, and yet you are still so cruel, that you have to ask that... GR.

Then, we went and saw James, Amanda, the kids, Joel, Holly, and Gabe. It was SO nice seeing them. It had been WAY too long. I really miss them all. It was fun though, getting to see them... AND the baby. Gosh, Elijah is an adorable baby boy! Then, per ritual ( I hear it's a ritual ) we went to Red Robin... Yumm!

Leaving the restaraunt, we almost got killed when a car decided to run me off the road and we almost hit the median going 70mph.

I just got home from work and need to work on a 15 page research paper, a 30 presentation, and a group project...


Monday, February 18, 2008


What a day today has been. I've been sitting in front of the computer all day trying to work on my 15 page research paper... and I only got maybe 1 page done. Yuck...
Ah well... I guess things are going well... been really tired ... that again equals a YUCK....

I went to Port Huron this past weekend. That was fun, I guess. My cousin Julie is an IDIOT... and does NOT deserve to be a mother to her children. She told her oldest daughter she was going to give her away... nice eh?

I'm just agitated right now... stupid people piss me off...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I think we are officially narrowing down a time to go to Virginia/Washington DC. If it is ok with our friends, we will be going down at the end of July. Cannot wait...

We filled out more paperwork today for Brian to get scholarships for the police academy... money is going to be so tight when he is there. He will not be able tow roek at all so of course I get all stressed out by thinking that the world is going to end. At this time next year, we will both have been done with school/academy for 2 months! I see that our lives are changing a lot... even our friends. Chris and Christina will be leaving, Gab and Tasha are pretty much gone... everyone is moving away. Y-U-C-K.

I am really getting stresed out about Brian going to the academy though. Financially, it is going to be the hardest time of our lives. I will be finishing up classes that semester... if I don't finish up this summer (which I may just try to do). So, I will be taking on a full class load, then trying to work as much as possible. :o( Brian will be gone Sunday-Saturday from 6am-6pm. He will not be able to work. I hope things work out... and I know that God has it under control... I am just scared. Very very scared.

Ah well...

I have a research paper I should be writing... but I have to do some research... I guess I will go now...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I'm Rich

I learned that in church today. I am rich. I mean financially rich. You are probably thinking that I am some crazy person right now, but seriously... I'm rich. Gallop did a survey once to see what people thought "rich" was... and all across the US, the people thought $120,000 was considered rich. If you made that, then you were well off.

Today, I learned that I am in the top 4% of the worlds population when it comes to money. What?? I know. If you made $35,000 last year, you are in the top 4% of the world. 96% of the worlds population did not even make that last year. It put a new perspective on it for me!

Brian's mom and dad spent the night with us last night. They went to church with us today, which was a lot of fun. We went to Cabela's yesterday, and went to dinner at Applebee's, came home, played a game, then watched a movie. It was nice not having to drive to someone and actually having someone come to us. I wish my mom had a better car so she could come and see us. I miss her. :o(

In the past 3 weeks, I have made 6 dozen cupcakes... WOW. I have been a baking machine. I want to make a cobbler one of these days... a mixed berry cobbler... I have never done a peach one... but I am hoping it will turn out!

It's almost Valentines day... N-I-C-E. I don't know why I said that... it's just another day of the week for us... since we don't celebrate it at all... hmmm...

I'm tired... so I am going to go to bed... I know. It's only 6:30, but I don't care!

Night ya'll

OH... if you are the praying type, I have some friends that could use some prayer... our friend Matt from small group found out he has A-Typical cells on two parts of his body, so he is going in on Weds to have more removed. Our friend Gab needs prayer because he doesn't know what good dancing is... :o)

but no... seriously... if you could please pray for Matt, that would be really kind of you. Also our friend Ian found out his dad is pretty ill, and he realized that his dad isn't superman anymore... that one day, he too will die... and I think it is hitting him harder than he let on today... please pray for him too...

And our friends in Virginia... the VanWynsbergs...

:o) Thanks

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I've been thinking a lot about memories lately. I mean, com'on, when you're sick, you don't have much else to think about.

I've thought about what kind of child I was... the guilt I feel for wanting things, knowing we didn't have the money for it, but also knowing mom would get it for me if I wanted it. I guess I never really appreciated everything she did for me. But as I have been getting older, I realize it now... and it means a lot to me.

I've been thinking a lot about the time I (we) were involved in CANT Ministries. It was a good time, although a bad time. It's been a while since we have been there or seen anyone. I think the last time we saw them all was at Jeff and Jolene's wedding in 2006. There is so much hurt built up in my heart concerning some of the people there. Not sure what to do with it all. I've been thinking about it a lot... well... thinking about them a lot.

The good news is... I think I am getting over them. I think I am finally getting over the relationships/friendships I have lost through following the path we are on. I'm actually ok with it.

I'm supposed to be at training today. I've been really sick the past couple of days, so training isn't happening. I hope my manager isn't too upset with me... I'm just not doing to good with the flu right now. I missed class on Tuesday, missed training on Weds morning, thank god school was canceled last night because I wouldn't have been able to go and that is one class you don't want to miss. And today, I am not at training. The doctor gave me some good medicine though... so maybe I'll feel better soon. He told me I would feel better by tomorrow... 250% better... I'm holding him to his word.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Pregnancy = Sadness!!

Why does pregnancy make me sad??

Wait.. NOT me... I'm NOT pregnant! When I find out others are pregnant... I get all sad. Maybe it's because of the miscarriage... I don't know. I mean, I am very very very happy for them, but it hurts inside. Is that bad? Is that weird? Will I ever get over the stupid miscarriage?

Right now, I know 9 girls who are pregnant... 9!!!! It just hits my heartstrings. I know that one day, that will be me... and that will be fine... I just hurt sometimes. Bri and I are almost done with school (December 08), then we will get a house, then children. I know I am not ready for them right now, but I just wonder a lot...

If I didn't miscarry... I'd be 7 mos pregnant right now... that is SO weird to think about... :o)

One day I will meet my twins, and that will be a good day... until then... I must be content....

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Feeling Yucky

What a day today has been. I started out by getting up SUPER early to meet my boss for coffee. Then, went to work. The good thing about today is it went by SUPER fast. After work, I was supposed to meet up with a friends Jerome and Tahirah and Jerome ditched us. I was going to tell him that I will not be organizing his business anymore because I don't think that is something I should be doing right now. Tahirah and I ended up going to Applebee's and having a chat...

Then I noticed it...


YUCK! I got home and Bri mentioned haning out with Gab and Tasha. That is always fun, so of course I did it... :o) Great People = Great Times. I'm tired though... I think the infection is draining me ... and it hurts. Not to mention I have had a migraine for a while that I have not been able to get rid of. YUCK. If I do not feel better in the morning, I will probably not go to church and I will be vegging at home sending Brian out to do errands and such. Lucky him, eh?

My heart bill is almost paid off! Only owe $400 more... that is exciting! Only owe a little more than that on Brian's truck then that is paid off. It will sure be nice to get things paid off around here!

Oh... I'm fat. I forgot to mention that. I need to get in shape REAL bad... FAT = Misty!!!!!

About Me

My photo
Ann Arbor, MI
I have been married since August 27, 2005. I have two kitties rescued from Hurricane Katrina. I have 2 heros... my mom and Brian. They are the most amazing people to me and have helped in so many ways. I guess you could say that Aunt Jane is a hero too. She is always there to help support us and is encouraging... you can tell her and mom are sisters!! I am a criminal justice major. I have received an associates degree in occupational studies in May of 2008 and have been awarded my associates degree in Criminal Justice. Now I attend Liberty University based out of Lynchburg, VA., majoring in what else, but Criminal Justice.

A wonderful memory

A wonderful memory

Great Friends

Great Friends

Tasty Flowers

Tasty Flowers

Complete Awesomeness

Complete Awesomeness

My Love

My Love